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About Section


Tales from Eden is the collection of stories I plan to share during a cross-country trip with my pup, Eden. A dream I’ve had since adopting him almost 7 years ago. We want to take in every scenic view and good smell we can find. We made this site for anyone kind enough to contribute to our travel funds. If you donate, we will send you a handmade postcard and letter from where we are. Thanks for following along.


Help fund our adventure.

We appreciate you thinking of us and helping fund our travels. We've provided some ideas for donation amounts, but are grateful for whatever you decide to send. As a thank you, we will mail you a hand printed postcard with a personal letter about where we were when we received your donation. Don't forget to add what you're donating towards and shipping info in the notes in Venmo or Paypal so we know where to send it.
(make sure it's on private if you don't want to share that publicly).

Shipping Info:
We are going to plan a few post office stops throughout our journey once every couple of weeks, so shipping times may vary. I hope to send a batch of cards at once to save on gas, but don't worry each card will be dated and have the exact location we were at when we recieved your donation. We will do our best to let you know it's on the way.


Sorry - an online store isn't cheap so these were the only options for donating I could think of.

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© 2024 JL Mack Creative

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